February 12, 2025

Matt Holding set the alarm on his smartphone so he wouldn’t miss an exclusive release of electric vehicles. However, they had already sold out when he went online to buy one.

Hyundai’s electric SUVs were sold in just six and a half minutes. 18,000 Australians were registered to show curiosity.

“You’ve just got to keep on trying and get in there straight away, which seems ridiculous when you’re purchasing an $80,000 car,” Holding recalls his second attempt to beat the crowd to purchase Hyundai’s Ioniq 5.

SA Minister of the Environment calls for Morrison government to speed up electric vehicle transition. Read more.

As per the business leaders, the speed at which cars were sold out is part of a more significant issue, given that the demand for vehicles in Australia is now exceeding supply.

“Our biggest issue now is actually attracting supply of electric vehicles, not getting Australians interested in buying them,” says Behyad Jafari, the chief executive of the Electric Vehicle Council.

Jafari declares that Australia needs to be better served by EVs compared to other nations due to the absence of federal EV or climate-related policies. Most EVs flow into countries that require car manufacturers to offer the vehicles to comply with standard fuel efficiency standards and CO2 emission reduction programs. The UK has banned the sale of new cars that run on petrol by 2030. In South Korea, the date is 2025.

In 2000, the Morrison government declared it would join the private industry to provide 50,000 electric vehicle charging stations at home, 500 for businesses, and 1,000 for public spaces. This is an aspect of Morrison’s $2.1bn funded future fuels and vehicle strategy. The spokesperson of the minister of energy, Angus Taylor, said this strategy would allow “it easier for Australians to choose to switch to a new technology vehicle that’s right for them.”

However, Australia is still the only country within the OECD without standards for fuel efficiency. CO2. In addition, Australia accepted an agreement with the Euro 6 noxious emission standards for fuel quality that was in force for every new car manufactured within the EU over six years in the past.

“Australia is not in the race,” says Jafari. “Our partners in the US and Europe and right around the world have a much easier time because there’s a requirement for them to get enough electric vehicles into their markets.”

In the past, car makers advised of production reductions because of supply chain problems resulting from the pandemic. However, Hyundai Australia’s director of corporate affairs, Bill Thomas, says the issue of needing more EVs to be found in Australia is because of a lack of incentives for selling vehicles here and not due to supply chain problems.

In Australia in Australia, there’s a wait of between six and nine months for Tesla models. Kia, the car maker Kia has only secured 500 of its electrical SUVs this year, even though 20,000 Australians have expressed interest.

Queensland will offer a $3000 subsidy for electric automobiles.

Nathan Gore-Brown, an EV consultant, observed Honda declare that they needed plans to market the electric vehicle he wanted to purchase in Australia. That is, that’s the Honda E He decided to buy a second-hand car in the UK. It took between $15,000 and $20,000. To bring the $45,000 car into Australia.

Gore-Brown believes that one of the significant reasons for slowing EV adoption is that Australia is given a different range of vehicles than other nations, and the models shipped here are often delayed. Automobile manufacturer Skoda has announced that its electric vehicle Enyaq will be available in Australia from 2023. That’s three years after it first went on sale in the UK.

Thomas says that the market in Hyundai’s EVs has been steadily increasing after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to the rise of gasoline prices. “We’re seeing more discussions about EVs on the showroom floor,” Thomas adds.

“People are coming in to look at cars and they’re much more likely to talk about the potential for an EV, even more than they were two weeks ago.”

Hyundai has asked for the supply of EVs to be used in the Australian market. However, it has no confirmation that the vehicles will be made available. The company hopes to get an upgrade similar to the Ioniq 5 model that is less expensive later in the year.

Jafari believes that Australians have been able to handle the situation with the government’s leadership regarding electric vehicles. “Every year that we go on with Australians buying petrol vehicles, they’re at risk of buying a new vehicle that in four or five years’ time will be worthless … no one will want to buy it because it’s redundant technology,” Jafari says.

There must be a warning that people buy landlines when the world moves towards mobile phones.

Due to the challenges in finding an EV suitable for the Holding family of four and his dog, he purchased the internal combustion vehicle about four months ago to help get the job done.

“I did need a car, and it got the point I just couldn’t wait any more,” he declares.

The spokesperson of the energy minister, Angus Taylor, said the supply chain was a worldwide issue that affected automobiles and their components.

“Despite these constraints, Australians already have the confidence to make the choice to drive an EV,” they stated. “Battery EV sales are soaring, having tripled from 2020 to 2021.”

The spokesperson explained that the modern manufacturing strategy of the government worked to overcome global limitations and increase local production.


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