January 13, 2025

This paper summarizes the contributions for the Special Issue of The Automobile Industry & Sustainability. From a life cycle perspective, these contributions are incorporated into the stages of the automotive life cycle of design, manufacturing (and management of the supply chain), and use and disposal or “end of life” management of the vehicle. The papers are placed into the broader study of the automotive sector in general and the social, economic, and environmental issues that confront the industry. This introduction paper offers an overview of the methods in which the articles in this special issue have enriched knowledge of difficulties in creating a sustainable automobile industry and the strategies that could be considered to progress towards the problematic objective.


There are only so many industries as big, diverse, and powerful as the auto industry. Perhaps the most significant single industry in the world as well as the management techniques as well as the organizational forms, and especially the way in which they respond to environmental pressures exhibited by this sector, are significant as a whole, as well as the impact they have on other business sectors. The products from this industry influence our lives not just by providing the mobility of millions of people; however, they also bring many challenges. The degradation of pollution levels in cities, together with global issues like global warming and the scrapping of vehicles, are only some of the issues. The introduction for the Special Issue is arguing ( Orsato and Wells). The resolution of environmental concerns must be accompanied by the numerous problems facing the automotive industry, including overcapacity, fragmented and saturated markets, capital intensities, and ongoing issues with reaching a satisfactory level of profitability.

The articles that were selected to be included in the Special Issue on the Automobile Industry and Sustainability are a reflection of the diverse environmental issues that are related to the automotive industry and the variety of academic approaches to various topics. As the editors of this Special Issue, it was essential to consider diverse perspectives on both theory and research in order to convey the essence of what the frontier of research was with regard to the industry without being prescriptive or placing a specific theoretic subject. However, it was important to evaluate proposals for quality and innovation, as well as to ensure that they fit into the broad concept of considering the technology and business aspects of sustainability as they relate to the automobile industry. Additionally, it was crucial to collect the opinions of scholars from a range of geographical areas. The result is a distinct issue that can be described as multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-national.

Academia is typically organized into schools of thought which are different theories and methods which are thought to constitute a worthwhile intellectual effort. In this sense, the focus on the industrial sector is unique (though the previous special issues of the Journal of Cleaner Production have tried to examine specific sectors); however, it is becoming more relevant. The argument for this relevance stems from the defining characteristics of sustainability-related discourses in which the need for multi-disciplinary research is most prominent. This special issue aims to show that what is needed is an array of strategies and perspectives to bring into the discussion of the core problem: how do we ensure a sustainable auto industry, and how can that aid in helping our societies to become more eco-friendly?

The papers are mostly a reflection of an underlying perspective: that sustainable mobility (whatever that may be) cannot be delivered by an industry or production-consumption system that is itself unsustainable. In all the talk about the diversity of our society, it is up to editors to arrange these papers in a rational way and to clarify the theoretical foundations on the basis of the selection and scope of the papers are based. The rest of the introduction chapter attempt to clarify that.

Section Snippets

Sustainability in the industry: a holistic and life-cycle view

The theories of organizational theory have drawn focus on the ‘organizational field in which companies operate and, in particular, how the components of that field are able to define, facilitate and facilitate change within the company [1 2. In simple terms, it is important to consider the context. It is relevant regarding both the moment and the place. The company is not in isolation and is part of a series of relationships it influences and is affected by.


One of the areas in which LCA is a formal decision-making technique has been employed is in the area of selecting materials for products in the designing phase. In general, a particular material can provide advantages in a few aspects over the existing material yet also have certain disadvantages. One example is from the article by Tharumarajah and Koltun that discusses using magnesium in automotive components. This is an incredibly technical paper in which the benefits of magnesium are discussed.


Since the 80s and beyond, from the 1980s onwards, a large majority of car manufacturers have taken an active attitude toward the diminution of the environmental impact of their manufacturing processes. Every major manufacturer of high-volume cars has strived to improve levels of environmental performance. There is no doubt that advancements have been implemented.

The reason is straightforward: the integration of ecological principles in business makes sense. In essence, there is a need to reduce costs in every way possible

Vehicle use

In the early millennium, internal combustion engines that powered (new) automobiles that were able to enter OECD roads emitted 95% less pollution in the air than the equivalent engines did in 1975 [66. In the context of growth, these figures indicate that the environmental benefit of internal combustion engines (ICEs) has been significantly improved over the last few decades. An easy explanation for such successes can be found in the imposing of emission standards for cars.

End-of-life cars

One of the most poorly recognized factors affecting environmental efficiency is how to treat products when they reach the end of their working time. In addition, as a result of European regulations governing the treatment of what are known as end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), The issue has become an issue for the business in itself. In the end, there are many contributions in this special issue which attempt to determine the extent and scope of the implications.

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